• Pearl Bailey Library (map)
  • 2510 Wickham Avenue
  • Newport News, VA, 23607
  • United States

Joint us and learn job-searching skills such as building a resume and practicing interview skills, learn about job resources available through the Peninsula Worklink Career Resource Center, and learn about special tips and resources available to ex-offenders rejoining the workforce. 

Please register in advance at the library, by calling 247-8677 or online at nnpls.libguides.com/events

Please see session descriptions below:

Session 1: A New Beginning "Hope for Returning Citizens"

10:30 AM - 11:15 AM | Peggy Martin

This workshop has been specifically developed for Ex-offenders. It will include street-tested tips on how to clean-up a criminal record, where to find hidden jobs, how to avoid the top five common application mistakes and how to go on every interview knowing exactly what to say. 

Session 2: Orientation to Worklink

11:30 AM -  12:15 PM | Lisa Taylor

Topics include an overview of the Peninsula Worklink and the step-by-step procedures of the Career Resource Center; registration criteria; general program considerations, customer responsibility, and process for applying for WIOA services. 

Lunch: 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

Session 3: Make Your Resume Stand Out

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM | Doreatha Pierce 

This workshop will guide you through the process of creating a professional resume that highlights your essential skills, accomplishments, employment history and education achievements that are relevant to the job or career you are seeking. 

Session 4: Ace the Interview 

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM | Zach Elder 

Learn how to answer questions in a way that puts your best self forward. Also, learn why employers ask the questions that they do and what they really want to know. 

Wrap-Up: How the Library Can Help

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM